Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Just In! Earthquake in Virgina/Freedom For Libya.

And we thought yesterday was a red-letter day! Well I'll give a minute for the earthquake and then move on to the news of liberation. It's not everyday that I get to write on the minute something that happen on the day so I am going to take advantage of it while I can!

Today I experience my first earthquake though I had no idea that is was such a thing till I was told. I was lying down reading a book, although I should have been writing my book. I was feeling uninspired as I flopped down onto my bed. (This is definitely a case of be careful of what you wish for!) So as I read I wasn't surprised when my bed shook. I am a heavy set woman so that tends to happen. What really surprised me was when the bed continue to shake and the door started to sway. First thought? Really, I thought that at first the Super must be doing major work down in the basement. Second thought? Some workmen were working on a street two blocks from my home. "Gee." I thought. "I sure do hope that there isn't a gas main break." Then continued to read my book. Got up to try to bang out something on the laptop about this that and the other thing when there was a knock at my door.

My neighbor who had just visited me earlier to borrow some milk was the one at the door who told me as well as a neighborhood kid that there had been an earthquake. "Whoo!" Was just about the only thought that entered my head. So there is my personal take on the earthquake.

To be more factual or at least give you the news as I heard it. The earthquake in New York was not the epicenter. Apparently it started in Virgina and the wake of the quake moved up some minor fault lines up and down the East Coast. On Facebook many people text that the wake of the quake hit as far as New Jersey. On MSNBC's Comment page, many people even felt it as far as upstate New York and Ontario, Canada. It was 5.8 rated at the epicenter in Virgina and had shook the buildings in Washington, D.C. Thus far as I have read and heard there have been no reported injuries.

Quickly just want to add my five cents on what is happening in Libya. Currently even though the Freedom Fighters in Libya have taken control of Tripoli there is still fighting there by Gaddafi's mercenary and official army soldiers. Certainly this is a blow to a dictatorship that was long overdue. As of now even though they have taken Gaddafi's no longer Stronghold there has been no sign of the erstwhile Colonel. This blogger wishes the surviving fighters good luck and wants them to take heart. They have faced the Devil and won a major battle in the blow for freedom.

However it still remains what will happen once the fighting has stop and the rebuilding of a new government begins. What will happen now is up to the people of Libya. Will it become an enlighten citadial of modern democracy or will it become just another seat of power for a negative Mullah to take hold of and rule with dictatorship? Only time and observation will tell as this blogger prays for the end of fighting and the end of negative religious political evil.

And now it's time for the shoutouts as I give props for all the news agencies and websites that have help me enlighten you.

For Earthquake Coverage

ABC News Broadcast
ABC World News &
ABC News.Com

For Coverage on Libya
ABC News Broadcast
PBS News Hour
The Telegraph News London
from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8719193/Libya-rebels-capture-Gaddafis-lair.html

Thanks to all these sources for helping me to keep informed. However like I always say, it is my hope that all readers and viewer read between the lines and listen with only half an hear for what they in the media say. For you best understanding for what's going on in the world I recommend to use your common sense and listen to your gut. I outta here guys gotta finish that chapter in my book right! LOL Peace!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Circus In Washington And Other News

Usually at this point you would see something typed in Italics explaining why is taking so long to write an opinion article in this blog page. Well I won't and I can't anymore. The only thing I can do is try to keep up. Your scoffing. I can tell your scoffing. Well I'd like to see anybody else keep up. I have to tip my hat to Journalist and Editors who do this for a living. But hey they have staff members! It's just lil ole me out here. But enough self-pity because I have come up with a solution!

I have decided to wait till at least the end of the previous month to write a review of sorts of what has been happening in Politics and World news. I might be able to handle keeping up with what has been happening during the last three weeks. To wit, The Circus In Washington.

Ah yes I have been watching and as a American Citzen I was going thru emotions that most if not all American Citzens were going thru. Oh My God! It was crazy! The U.S Government was down to the wire working on the U.S Debt. (You just have to capitalize that because it's that big!) Yet still had time for postering, blame games, and the usual insults. President Obama was busy trying to get through to the Republican Party that you can't have cuts to the budget without at least considering either losing the Bush tax cuts or at least raising the taxes on the 1% of the population that wouldn't feel a thing....the rich! But ah no! The Republicans with their "Leader" Republican Whip John Boehner decided catering to the rich and their poor dupes 'The Tea Party' was a better idea. The Tea Party had there Republican Freshman picks intrenched in Congress to fight against any tax raises at all. You would have thought that raising taxes on people who earn 250,000 dollars or more wouldn't hurt the Middle Class interest but as far as the Tea Party was concerned no new taxes means no new taxes.

Not that the Democratic Party was any happier. Instead of supporting President Obama's need to compromise with the Republican Party they were mumbling and grumbling like children who had their T.V privileges taken away. With the cry "That's not fair!" As far as I could see it was a pout fest on that side of the aisle. What, did they have as a better idea? Don't, ask, me! There was some hope from the 'Gang Of Six'. The bipartisan group had plenty of of ideas on how to reduce the deficit but the Republicans poo, pooed, that idea because it heavy on tax hikes and promises of spending cuts, but devoid of details on how to make the sweeping transformative changes needed to solve our debt and spending crises. However the Republican ideas included cutting Medicare and other "Entitlements". Funny how things that would support people on the lower rung of the economic class when the shit hits the fan; (and it has already), is called "Entitlements". But a tax raise for the rich would be called hurting the "Job Providers" ain't it funny though? Oh well!

Long story short, the Debt Ceiling was raised and some cuts were made. A bit of a case of too little too late as far as the Stock Market was concerned. The U.S Credit rating was downgraded from an AAA rating to AA+. What the heck does that mean? Well as far as this Opinion Blogger was concerned it means that for the U.S to borrow money the interest rates will be sky high! How does this affect us as Americans? Got a house that mortgaged? Well look out for the interest to sky rocket! Want a loan for a Car, House, Small Business, or College Loan? Oh boy is that gonna hurt! And us poor slobs that have no Collateral for none of that? Well look out for higher prices on Gas, Food, Rent, and other needed "Entitlements".

Moving on into World News no end in sight for Libya and Syria in their fight for rights. Protesters in Syria faced down the Syrian Security Forces and 109 people died in the streets of Hama. Even though there was a decree by Bashar al-Assad to allow opposition parties in government the Protesters ain't buying it seeing how they just had to leave the city of Hama to escape possible snipers. Looks as if Bashar al-Assad is playing that old Biblical game "Don't Know What Your Left Hand Is Doing While Your Right Hand is doing something else."

It is getting harder and harder for anyone to understand why more can't be done to help the Protesters. Boiling it down for me is a disgusting job and I am trying to not let my Cynical Side become dominate. However for the 2 or three readers that might be reading this I can only say that Oil talks and other peoples rights take a walk off a short pier. Oh the U.S, Nato, and the European Union are all for sanctions but sanctions from what I am able to glean from the history of them seems to only affect the average citizen in the country it is trying to punish. Doesn't make sense to punish the good with the bad and for Bashar Al-Assad it's like water off a camels back.

Meanwhile in Libya another step forward means another step back as the fighting continues there between the Freedom Fighters and the slowly eroding (and I mean really slowly) Libyan Army. Although gains have been made with the help of Nato there has been rumors of a set back in Bir al-Ghanam though the rebels have denied it. Then there was news of Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi , he vowed in an interview to strike an alliance with a faction of radical Islamists among the rebels challenging his father’s rule. Enter scoffing here---->...............According to most News sources it seems to be a move to split the rebel forces. As if there isn't a bit of a split inside the rebel forces which again the Freedom Fighters have deigned. No matter what your thoughts on the issue if there is no changes in the now civil war this will go on for quite a bit longer than first thought by the supporters of the Arab Spring. This Opinion Writers prayers and meditations go out to the Libyan people.

Well that about covers it. If you want more news about what's going on in your local area may I suggest you read your local news and keep your eyes glued to the T.V News cast. As usually with one ear out listening or reading in between the sound bites and the lines.

However least I forget I have to give a 'Shoutout' to my references and sources for all things newsie. I would put it all in Italics but hey I've got some T.V to watch and a life to live so here it is unvarnished.

New York Times.Com
Charlie Rose -PBS
ABC Nightline News

Enjoy your life as much as you can and stay tuned for next month. You want to see if I can kept up don't you? ;)